Worship Gatherings

  • In-Person Worship

    We gather for Sunday worship at 10 am in Daytona Beach, FL.

    We meet inside of The Foundry Co-Working on Sunday mornings and our office is open M-Thurs 9-5pm. Please email aarmistead@firstunited.org to set up an appointment. There is plenty of parking available and signage to lead you to the right parking lot.

    Address: 728 Fentress Blvd Daytona Beach, FL 32114

  • Online Worship

    We are intentional about creating meaningful online community. The Gathering Place services are accessible through Live-stream every Sunday at 10am eastern time on Facebook, YouTube, and our website. You can access sermons at any time throughout the week.

What’s the vibe?

  • Come As You Are

    At our core, we are striving to gather differently, welcome everybody, and love abundantly. Our gatherings are casual, but if you feel like looking fabulous, go for it! Some Sundays you’ll find us Kayaking at Tomoka State Park or doing Yoga on the beach. The goal is to encounter God in new and authentic ways.

    Our worship music is modern but every now and then we’ll throw in a folksy hymn or secular song. You can expect to sing, listen to a message, participate in some discussion, and celebrate communion. Worship is not just a passive thing we consume an hour a week, but the work of the people (something churchy folks call liturgy).

    We’re a community rooted in inclusivity, innovation, and most importantly the all-expansive love of Jesus. Jesus’ commandment is to love our neighbor, and everything we do is through this lens.

  • Communion

    We celebrate communion every Sunday.

    Holy Communion is an outward sign of grace. It’s a way to not just remember, but experience the abundant love and grace of Jesus. We celebrate communion every Sunday.

    The Gathering Place is a United Methodist Community, which means we practice an open table. Whether or not you’ve been baptized, are officially a member, or even know a lot about this Jesus guy, you are welcome to The Table. No exceptions. God loves you period.

    To be inclusive of our friends in recovery, our communion is non-alcoholic.

  • Kids

    We encourage kids to participate in our worship gatherings! You may even see kids reading scripture, leading worship, or helping serve communion in our service.

    Our Kids Ministry meets every Sunday. We offer a structured spiritual formation time for preschool- and elementary-aged children during the message. Kids are encouraged to return to receive communion at the end of the service.

    If you are interested in helping build up our Kids Team, email marmistead@firstunited.org. All volunteers must pass a background screening and go through a Child Protection course. Safety is our #1 priority when it comes to our kids.

  • Getting Outside

    We've learned that folks are eager to explore their faith outside the walls of a traditional church setting. That's why we started Kayaks and Communion, so folks can encounter the love of God and neighbor in different ways!

    We offer quarterly Kayaks & Communion Sundays at Tomoka Outpost. We gather for get-to-know you questions, a few songs, a short message/discussion, and then fun on the water. Folks usually stick around after for food and drinks.

    Additionally, we worship by going on a nature trail, having a campfire by the water or being at the beach, or hanging out at local parks! Celebrating God’s creation is a great way to connect to your faith!

  • Casual and Comfortable

    We know that church can be painful or even traumatizing for some people. We strive to show a different way of being a faith community where all are welcomed and loved.

    Before worship starts, you can grab a cup of coffee and hang out in the atrium.

    Folks dress comfortably at The Gathering Place — some people wear collared shirts and dresses, some wear jeans and t-shirts. You belong here, not because of what you wear but because of who you are: God’s beloved.

  • Worship Style

    We praise God through song and music. Our worship band rotates from week to week, so you may hear an acoustic set, a full band, or any combination of singers and instruments. We sing modern songs, traditional hymns set to folk or contemporary sound, and even play some original music.

    We praise God through hearing the Word. Our pastor preaches from the Bible every Sunday, so we are growing our faith through the reading of Scripture, the hearing of the message, but the sermon doesn’t end when the pastor says “amen.” After the message we have Real Talk, where you get to respond or listen to others around you.

    We praise God through ordinary, simple practices like eating bread and drinking juice (what we call communion) and feeling cleansed by water (what we call baptism).